“Nantucket Floral”

Nantucket FloralAs a child, I was fortunate to have visited Cape Cod regularly with a friend and her family. Her parents spoiled us terribly, taking us everywhere two teenagers would want to go: all of the beaches, and trips on the ferry to Nantucket. My friend’s Mom Hilda was an artist, working on her MFA after she retired. She introduced me to the work of Cape Cod primitive artists Ralph and Martha Cahoon. She painted, and I learned a great many things from her. I bought my first set of acrylic paints at the Hyannis art store on Cape Cod. I was thrilled in Sept. of 2001 to be invited to have “The Last Ride In” to be part of the “Apple Exhibit” at the Cahoon Museum of American Art on Cape Cod. And also in 2003 “Homecoming Parade” was part of their “Modern Primitives” exhibit. I painted “Nantucket Floral” in celebration of many happy memories of Cape Cod and Nantucket.

image size: unframed: matted: framed:
Giclee 7″ x 8″ $89
Open Edition Lithograph 10″ x 11″ $89
Limited Edition (300) Lithograph 15″ x 17″ $119
Limited Edition (100) Canvas Giclee 26″ x 29″ $899