“Snowy Old Capitol”

snowy old capitolThe Old Capitol in Iowa City takes on an even more beautiful air during winter. For more than twenty five years, the annual “Holiday Tuba Concert” has taken place on the steps of the Old Capitol on the last day of classes in December. While it is usually quite cold and windy, these festively dressed faithful musicians (“Collegium Tubum”) treat us all to rousing renditions of some of our favorite holiday tunes. Included in this painting: Students are making snow angels and snowmen, tuba professor John Manning, dressed in the Santa suit is conducting with a candy cane, tuba musical arranger Eric Larson and tuba professor Bob Yeats, who founded the holiday tuba tradition at the University of Iowa. Also, three Lemme Elementary tuba students were excused from classes to play in the concert: Sam Dennis, Tyler Stika and Nathan Goddard.

image size: unframed: matted: framed:
Lithograph 9″ x 8″ $59
Old Capitol or Commemorative Edition 9″ x 8″ $269
Limited Edition (300) Lithograph 13″ x 12″ $94
Old Capitol or Commemorative Edition Lithograph

See “Homecoming Parade” for images of the UI Commemorative frame.

13″ x 12″ 319.00 
Limited Edition (100) Canvas Giclee 26″ x 23″ $789

“Snowy Old Capitol” Ornament

Decoupaged, 2″ x 2″ x 1/4″ thick maple, signed on reverse and packaged for gift-giving.