All Paintings

Click on a painting for more info:


Kinnick Stadium Painting Aunan“Kinnick Stadium”


“Holiday Tubas”

“University of Iowa Medical Complex”

“Celebration at Wrigley Field”

Old Capitol“Old Capitol”

Snow Day on the Farm“Snow Day on the Farm”

Homecoming Parade“Homecoming Parade”

The Big Game“The Big Game” 

The Last Ride In“The Last Ride In”

The River“The River”


The Iowa State Fair“The Iowa State Fair”

History of Iowa Mascots“History of the University of Iowa Mascots”

Carver Hawkeye Arena Aunan 110“Carver Hawkeye Arena”

Iowa Arts Festival“Iowa Arts Festival”

The Big Night Game“The Big Night Game”

Finkbine Golf Course“Finkbine Golf Course”

Seven Churches of the Amana Colonies“Seven Churches of the Amana Colonies”

Amana Winter“Amana Winter”

Dance Marathon“Dance Marathon” Iowa State University Campanile“Iowa State University Campanile” ISU Midnight “Iowa State University Midnight”

Snowy Old Capitol“Snowy Old Capitol”

Lucerne“Lucerne, Switzerland”

Candy Cane Carrier Parade“Candy Cane Carrier Parade”

Christmas Eve“Christmas Eve”

The Corn Maze“The Corn Maze”

At the Lake“At the Lake”

Hawkeye in the Pumpkin Patch“Hawkeye in the Pumpkin Patch”

Four Fish “Four Fish”
YMCA of the Rockies“YMCA of the Rockies” County Fair “County Fair” Floral 205“Floral 205” Floral 105“Floral 105”
Geraniums“Geraniums” Summer Farm“Summer Farm” Hilda and Katie“Hilda and Katie” Jill“Jill”
Santa's List“Santa’s List” Happy Halloween“Happy Halloween” Holstein Helper“Holstein Helper” A Very Merry Christmas“A Very Merry Christmas”
Ice Skating at City Park“Ice Skating at City Park” Nantucket Floral“Nantucket Floral” Winter Farm“Winter Farm” The Greenhouse“The Greenhouse”
Small Mouth Bass“Small Mouth Bass” Walleye“Walleye” Northern Pike“Northern Pike” Muskie“Muskie”
Roses and Blueberries“Roses and Blueberries” The Party “The Party” Peony“Peony” Daisies“Daisies”
Clover“Clover” Bird and Cherries“Bird and Cherries” Needlepoint“Needlepoint” Wildflowers“Wildflowers”
Wildflowers II“Wildflowers II” Katie Age Three“Katie Age Three” Artichoke“Artichoke” Reading Angel Girl“Reading Angel Girl”
Reading Angel Boy“Angel Reading Boy” Poppy Bouquet“Poppy Bouquet” Coffee“Coffee” Sheep“Sheep”
Kitty“Kitty” Cornflower Bouquet“Cornflower Bouquet” “Ukraine Wreath” Floral Heart“Floral Heart”